Activity Proxy Property Edit Control Tab

The Edit Control tab in the Activity Proxy Properties step allows you to determine what the property box will look like and how the user will interact with it in the Workflow Designer. The options in this tab change depending on the property type of the property selected in the left-hand column.

String Properties

If your property is a string, you can configure the property box to contain a text box or a page range box. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for a string property.

Integer Properties

If your property is an integral numeric type (Integer, Short, Long, Byte, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Long, Unsigned Short, or Signed Byte), you can configure the property box to have a spin control or text box. You can also set maximum and minimum amounts for the number. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for an integral numeric property.

Enumeration Properties

If your property is an enumeration, you can choose to have the property box display radio buttons or a drop-down list. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for an enumeration property.

Flagged Enumeration Properties

When defining an enumeration, you can add the FlagsAttribue to the enumeration to turn it into a flagged enumeration. Flagged enumerations allow you to select more than one enumeration value at once. If your property is a flagged enumeration, you can choose to have the property box display checkboxes or a drop-down list. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for a flagged enumeration property.

Boolean Properties

If your property is a Boolean, you can choose to have the property box display a checkbox or two radio buttons. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for a Boolean property.

Decimal Properties

If your property is a decimal numeric type (Float/Singe, Double, or Decimal), the property box will have a text box that can support tokens and that can have a minimum and/or maximum value. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for a decimal property.

Property Binding Control

If you selected the Make this property reference another activity’s property instead of requiring its own value option in the Advanced tab, the property will have Closedan edit control that allows you to link to another activity's property regardless of the property’s type.

The user can select any custom activity's property that is of the same type and that has the Allow other activities to reference this property option selected in the Advanced tab. You can configure the Closedfollowing options for this control.

Custom Edit Control

If your property is not one of the above types, and if you did not select the option Make this property reference another activity’s property instead of requiring its own value from the Advanced tab, you can select a custom edit control. ClosedShow me what the Edit Control tab looks like for a custom edit control.